Autor: abanze

  • Greenhope


    The Indonesia based company Greenhope produces Ecoplas, a bio-based and degradable plastic made out of certified fair trade cassava, driving positive combined environmental and social impact.  Ecoplas has received numerous acknowledgment and awards domestically and internationally as one of the most competitive bio-based materials towards next generation / sustainable green plastic.

  • Re-Design the Oven

    Re-Design the Oven

    We measure all the details of the oven and make sketches to rebuilt it. All results of our research we will publish later.

  • Prototype Test

    Prototype Test

    Outside of Berlin, Raik and I test the prototype oven, developed by Fraunhofer Institut Stuttgart. We start with paper and wood. When the oven is hot enough, we continue with plastic waste. Because of its optimised construction , the oven keeps the heat very well. We easily can burn a lot of plastic.

  • Research Meeting

    Research Meeting

    Research meeting with Berlin artist Force Raik joining the project. The German Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics in Stuttgart has developed a cost-effective multi-chamber oven for burning household waste, specifically designed for the use in developing and emerging countries. We got a prototype of this oven for testing and reconstruction.

  • Plogging


    A combination of jogging with picking up litter (Swedish: plocka upp). It started as an organised activity in Sweden around 2016 and spread to other countries in 2018, following increased concern about plastic pollution. As a workout, it provides variation in body movements by adding bending, squatting and stretching to the main action of running.

  • Precious Plastic

    Precious Plastic

    Machines that enable anyone to recycle plastic. Great project with a worldwide network.

  • Plastic Attack

    Plastic Attack

    Germany’s first „Plastic Attack“: customers dispose of the packaging of their purchases in the supermarket – and cause confusion. >!5500702/

  • Berlin, Germany

    Berlin, Germany

    The Social Plastic project started in Berlin. The Berlin Artists Christine Falk and Alfred Banze make participatory art projects. With their association Camping Akademie e.V. they realize exhibitions, symposia, workshops and performances in Berlin and worldwide, often in emerging and developing countries. They were shocked about the impact of environmental pollution made by plastic, so they…

  • Kunstpunkt Berlin

    Kunstpunkt Berlin

    10. Mai 2019 ab 19 Uhr. Project presentation at KUNSTPUNKT, Schlegelstr. 6, 10115 Berlin. Presentation with videos. „Social Plastic“ explores the relationships between plastic waste and social and cultural structures. In the spirit of Joseph Beuys concept of the social sculpture (…social plastic), the project „Social Plastic“ is an experiment in collective art production and subcultural /…

  • Da Da Plastik Film

    Da Da Plastik Film

    The film documents the project took place in Jatiwangi, Indonesia. 18 December 2018 – 08 January 2019.