Kategorie: Berlin
Ortstermin Festival Berlin
28. & 29. September 2019: Vor dem Eingang der Heilandskirche in Moabit wurden Kreuze aus Plastikmüll aufgestellt. Dazu gab es Infostände, Filme, Workshops & Vorträge zu Plastikmüll, Recycling & lokaler Selbstorganisation. Themen: Wie gehen wir mit unserem Plastikmüll um, zuhause, in Moabit, in Berlin, in Deutschland, weltweit? Was gibt es für Möglichkeiten, Plastikmüll zu vermeiden – und…
Re-Design the Oven
We measure all the details of the oven and make sketches to rebuilt it. All results of our research we will publish later.
Prototype Test
Outside of Berlin, Raik and I test the prototype oven, developed by Fraunhofer Institut Stuttgart. We start with paper and wood. When the oven is hot enough, we continue with plastic waste. Because of its optimised construction , the oven keeps the heat very well. We easily can burn a lot of plastic.
Research Meeting
Research meeting with Berlin artist Force Raik joining the project. The German Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics in Stuttgart has developed a cost-effective multi-chamber oven for burning household waste, specifically designed for the use in developing and emerging countries. We got a prototype of this oven for testing and reconstruction.
Kunstpunkt Berlin
10. Mai 2019 ab 19 Uhr. Project presentation at KUNSTPUNKT, Schlegelstr. 6, 10115 Berlin. Presentation with videos. „Social Plastic“ explores the relationships between plastic waste and social and cultural structures. In the spirit of Joseph Beuys concept of the social sculpture (…social plastic), the project „Social Plastic“ is an experiment in collective art production and subcultural /…