Posts by: "abanze"

28. & 29. September 2019: Vor dem Eingang der Heilandskirche in Moabit wurden Kreuze aus Plastikmüll aufgestellt.
Dazu gab es Infostände, Filme, Workshops & Vorträge zu Plastikmüll, Recycling & lokaler Selbstorganisation.

Themen: Wie gehen wir mit unserem Plastikmüll um, zuhause, in Moabit, in Berlin, in Deutschland, weltweit? 
Was gibt es für Möglichkeiten, Plastikmüll zu vermeiden – und sinnvoll zu nutzen? 
Gibt es traditionelle Verpackungs-materialien, die wir stattdessen  verwenden können?
Müssen die Hersteller stärker zum Handeln verpflichtet werden? Und wenn ja, wie können wir das erreichen? 
Wie können wir ein neues Bewusstsein für unseren Umgang mit Plastikmüll entwickeln?

Social Plastic Moabit:
Künstlergruppe Camping Akademie e.V.
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Moabit
Ökumenische Umweltgruppe Lichterrade
EKBO Umweltbüro
Träshlab Berlin
AV-Gruppe Kopi Kaputa


Today was the final event of „Da Dah Plastik“. The project was made in collaboration with Residents of Jatisura, Jatiwangi and Alfred Banze, Camping Akademie e.V., Germany. Against the background of the restlessness of the residents of Jatiwangi, the problem of growing plastic waste and also appreciate the citizens who work tirelessly in collecting, managing and cleaning garbage in their area. The garbage burning stove was designed by Ginggi Syar Hasyim in response to the nature of Jatiwangi as a Terrakota city. This presentation was ended by tausiyah from the Islamic Religious Leader regarding the view of plastic waste from an Islamic perspective.
„Teratopia“ is a collection of dreams of the Jatiwangi village roof tile community to be able to take a big role in determining the direction of the development of the city where we live. One of the dreams includes „stop plastic waste“ (undergoing daily life without plastic). We want to start the awareness of „Da Dah Plastic“

„Da Dah Plastik“ Propaganda Film Screening
Imam Speech & Pray: Plastic in the view of Islam“
Honor to the local waste collecting workers
Test of the prototype of a new waste burning oven
Traditional food & drinks without plastic

Malam ini presentasi „Da Dah Plastik“ dari Alfred Banze,(Camping Akademie e.V., Germany). Karya ini dibuat atas kolaborasi Warga Jatisura, Jatiwangi dan Alfred, Germany. Dilatar belakangi dari keresahan warga Jatiwangi akan persoalan Sampah Plastik yang kian menumpuk dan juga mengapresiasi warga yang bekerja tanpa lelah dalam mengumpulkan, mengelola dan membersihkan sampah di wilayahnya. Tungku pembakaran sampah di design oleh Ginggi Syar Hasyim sebagai responya terhadap sifat Jatiwangi sebagai kota Terrakota. Presentasi ini diakhiri oleh tausiyah dari Pemuka Agama Islam mengenai pandangan sampah plastik dari sudut pandang islam.
„Teratopia“ adalah kumpulan impian masyarakat genteng Jatiwangi untuk bisa mengambil peran besar dalam menentukan arah pembangunan kota dimana kita berpijak. Dan salah satu impian nya diantaranya adalah „Da Dah Plastik“ (menjalani keseharian tanpa plastik). Kami ingin memulai kesadaran „Da Dah Plastic“.

Pemutaran Film Propaganda „Da Dah Plastik“
Pengajian: Plastik Dalam Pandangan Islam
Menghormati para pekerja pengumpul sampah setempat
Uji prototipe oven pembakaran limbah baru
Makanan & minuman tradisional tanpa plastik


The film documents the project took place in cooperation with Baan Noorg Arts & Culture in Nongpho in Thailand. 15 November – 16 December 2018. More…

Step by step we make the new oven. Based on the drawings by Ginggi, the main workers are Abbas & Nana. Thank you for your great job!

In a neighbour village there exists a well working waste management. Before, there was nothing, the people dropped their waste just somewhere, into the rivers. A small group of activists researched on the internet on how to built an efficient waste burning oven. Some rich people and the local government helped with materials. Everybody worked for free. Now, the village pays a group of 5 workers to collect the waste every day, to burn it in the oven. It is a nice place, also a beloved meeting spot for the community. We make a short film about this small but inspiring project.

Today we meet in the ceramic workshop to talk about details of building the oven and the project schedule. We decide to make the Plastic Event on 6 January 2019. Title: DA DAH PLASTIK, Bye bye Plastic.

Our plan: We will built a prototype of a new super efficient plastic burning OVEN. it will be portable. We will celebrate an islamic praying event together with the imam of the nearby mosque at new years. 

Jatiwangi is a small village in West-Java, Indonesia. 10 years ago some artists & activists started here the Jatiwangi Art Factory, to develop the village infrastructure by art & culture. Today it is a very active group with 20 central activists and many people around them. A perfect place to make a SOCIAL PLASTIC PROJECT! 5 years ago, they made a big plastic project already. But it failed. Because they could not convince the local government to install proper rules about the waste management, everybody has to follow. Today, there is only existing a system of plastic bottle recycling. Because the companies pay for the bottles, the people collect and resell them. Like in many other countries. But for the rest of the plastic waste, plastic bags etc. there is no functional waste management. 5 years ago, the community builded a big oven. But it is not working well. The burning is not hot enough, the smoke stays around the oven and pollutes the environment very bad.

Our goal is, to improve the oven! First we will make a small prototype, based on the research oven by the Fraunhofer Institut. Later we want to make a version big enough for the whole villages plastic waste.

The project takes place in the small town of Jatiwangi in Java, Indonesia. Residents, local cultural and environmental activists, schools and businesses will be involved in the project. It includes talks, lectures, performances, do-it-yourself workshops and this website. Theme: How can local communities deal with their own waste? 18 December 2018 – 08 January 2019 – Discussions, lectures, interviews on waste, recycling and culture. Public rubbish collection, construction of the „staple“, oven construction workshop, ideas workshops. 08 January 2019 – Social Plastic Bye Bye Party.

Da Dah Plastik

Da Dah Plastik

Today was the final event of "Da Dah Plastik". The project was made in collaboration with Residents of Jatisura, Jatiwangi ...
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Building the Oven

Building the Oven

Step by step we make the new oven. Based on the drawings by Ginggi, the main workers are Abbas & ...
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In a neighbour village there exists a well working waste management. Before, there was nothing, the people dropped their waste ...
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Project Meeting

Project Meeting

Today we meet in the ceramic workshop to talk about details of building the oven and the project schedule. We ...
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Plastic Pray

Plastic Pray

Our plan: We will built a prototype of a new super efficient plastic burning OVEN. it will be portable. We ...
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Jatiwangi Arrival

Jatiwangi Arrival

Jatiwangi is a small village in West-Java, Indonesia. 10 years ago some artists & activists started here the Jatiwangi Art ...
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มาติกาบังสุกุลพลาสติก – Plastic Cremation Ceremony
๑๖ ธันวาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๑ เวลา ๑๕.๐๐ น.
ณ ศาลาอเนกประสงค์ วัดหนองโพ จ.ราชบุรี
16 December 2018, 15.00 – 17.00
Multi-purpose building, Nongpho Temple, Ratchaburi
พิธีณาปนกิจพลาสติก พระสงฆ์เจริญพระพุทธมนต์ และการแสดงนาฏยกรรมไทย
Plastic Cremation Ceremony to be presided by 4 monks and ceremonial music and dance.

After the plastic wastes collection process in community is done, a stupa of plastic wastes is built in the community temple. The stupa has clearly shown that only 20% of plastic wastes, collected from the village during artists‘ residency period, are plastics for recycle, the rest are general wastes. Hence, the ceremony is a symbol of plastic waste elimination, leaving a question of how can we reduce plastic in our lives? มาติกาบังสุกุลพลาสติกคือพิธีจำลองณาปนกิจพลาสติก โดยมีพระสงฆ์เจริญพระพุทธมนต์ และการแสดงนาฏยกรรมไทย มาร่วมเป็นสักขีพยานในพิธี หน้าเจดีย์พลาสติก ศาลาอเนกประสงค์ วัดหนองโพ เพื่อร่วมมือให้พลาสติกลดน้อยไปจากชุมชนต่อไป

The ceremony is part of the Social Plastic project, Art and Culture, Development for Nongpho Community project 2018 – ส่วนหนึ่งของโครงการพัฒนาศิลปวัฒนธรรมร่วมสมัยชุมชนหนองโพ ประจำปี ๒๕๖๑
OFFLAB#๓/๒๐๑๘ ชุมชนมือทำ (กรณีศึกษาชุมชนหนองโพ) OFFLAB#3/2018 – Local Agents (Model Study for Nongpho Community)
ศิลปิน อัลเฟรด บันซี และ คริสติน ฟอล์ก จาก แคมป์ปิง อะคาเดมี (เยอรมนี) Artists: Alfred Banze and Christine Falk, Camping Akademie e.V. จัดโดย บ้านนอก ความร่วมทางศิลปวัฒนธรรม – Organized by Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts and Ratchaburi Provincial Culture – Thank you > vdo documented by Gone Before Ahoor