Autor: abanze
Ortstermin Festival Berlin
28. & 29. September 2019: Vor dem Eingang der Heilandskirche in Moabit wurden Kreuze aus Plastikmüll aufgestellt. Dazu gab es Infostände, Filme, Workshops & Vorträge zu Plastikmüll, Recycling & lokaler Selbstorganisation. Themen: Wie gehen wir mit unserem Plastikmüll um, zuhause, in Moabit, in Berlin, in Deutschland, weltweit? Was gibt es für Möglichkeiten, Plastikmüll zu vermeiden – und…
Da Dah Plastik
Today was the final event of „Da Dah Plastik“. The project was made in collaboration with Residents of Jatisura, Jatiwangi and Alfred Banze, Camping Akademie e.V., Germany. Against the background of the restlessness of the residents of Jatiwangi, the problem of growing plastic waste and also appreciate the citizens who work tirelessly in collecting, managing…
Plastic Killer Film
The film documents the project took place in cooperation with Baan Noorg Arts & Culture in Nongpho in Thailand. 15 November – 16 December 2018. More…
Building the Oven
Step by step we make the new oven. Based on the drawings by Ginggi, the main workers are Abbas & Nana. Thank you for your great job!
In a neighbour village there exists a well working waste management. Before, there was nothing, the people dropped their waste just somewhere, into the rivers. A small group of activists researched on the internet on how to built an efficient waste burning oven. Some rich people and the local government helped with materials. Everybody worked…
Project Meeting
Today we meet in the ceramic workshop to talk about details of building the oven and the project schedule. We decide to make the Plastic Event on 6 January 2019. Title: DA DAH PLASTIK, Bye bye Plastic.
Plastic Pray
Our plan: We will built a prototype of a new super efficient plastic burning OVEN. it will be portable. We will celebrate an islamic praying event together with the imam of the nearby mosque at new years.
Jatiwangi Arrival
Jatiwangi is a small village in West-Java, Indonesia. 10 years ago some artists & activists started here the Jatiwangi Art Factory, to develop the village infrastructure by art & culture. Today it is a very active group with 20 central activists and many people around them. A perfect place to make a SOCIAL PLASTIC PROJECT!…
Jatiwangi, Indonesia
The project takes place in the small town of Jatiwangi in Java, Indonesia. Residents, local cultural and environmental activists, schools and businesses will be involved in the project. It includes talks, lectures, performances, do-it-yourself workshops and this website. Theme: How can local communities deal with their own waste? 18 December 2018 – 08 January 2019 – Discussions,…
Funeral of the Dead Plastic
มาติกาบังสุกุลพลาสติก – Plastic Cremation Ceremony ๑๖ ธันวาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๑ เวลา ๑๕.๐๐ น.ณ ศาลาอเนกประสงค์ วัดหนองโพ จ.ราชบุรี16 December 2018, 15.00 – 17.00Multi-purpose building, Nongpho Temple, Ratchaburiพิธีณาปนกิจพลาสติก พระสงฆ์เจริญพระพุทธมนต์ และการแสดงนาฏยกรรมไทยPlastic Cremation Ceremony to be presided by 4 monks and ceremonial music and dance. After the plastic wastes collection process in community is done, a stupa of plastic wastes is built…