Autor: abanze

  • Invitations


    Today we hand out invitations for our final event tomorrow. Also, the local „Radio“ spreads the message on public loudspeakers and by a loudspeaker car.

  • Local Agents Forum

    Local Agents Forum

    Local Agents I Forum, Dec 6th, 2018 at BACC auditorium room.  Speakers:Alfred Banze and Christine Falk (Camping Akademie e.V.), Germany. Tsai Chi Min (Lingtan Street Creative Hub), Taiwan. Indra Prayhogi and Dai Kurniawan (Waft Lab), Indonesia. Andzar Agung Fauzan and Tedi Nurmanto (Jatiwangi Art Factory), Indonesia. Support Institutions:MOC, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, TECO, Taipei Economic…

  • A street banner for the Dead Plastic Funeral

    A street banner for the Dead Plastic Funeral

    Making a street banner: Join the DEAD PLASTIC FUNERAL at 16 December 2018, 3pm in Nong Pho Village. Monk praying, life music & traditional dances.

  • Done! The Dead Plastic Stupa

    Done! The Dead Plastic Stupa

    Starting again in the early morning, 6am. Because of the sun, it is so strong later in the day. The school gives us two big bags of empty plastic bottles. They are so shiny and beautiful in contrast to our plastic waste bags. Before noon we are done. Taking a shower and leaving for Bangkok,…

  • The Stupa´s  Body

    The Stupa´s Body

    So mutch plastic we have collected. Estimate 130 bags, mostly full of dirty useless plastic. It is the amount, what Nong Pho Village produces on half a day, statistically.

  • Building the Stupa

    Building the Stupa

    Today, the two workers set up the bamboo skeleton of the stupa. Impressive, bamboo is such a great material!

  • NPKD Kids Group, 2nd session

    NPKD Kids Group, 2nd session

    In the afternoon, the NPKD Kids Group come over. We want to collect plastic. Can we? Yes, yes…

  • School event at the Temple

    School event at the Temple

    Many children come to the temple this morning. They have a lesson in Buddhism. Before they start, they have lunch. Everything is packed in Plastic. At the end we collect 6 big bags. Some children help us. Without words, they understand: This is a lot of bad waste…

  • Waste bin diving

    Waste bin diving

    Every morning we collect plastic waste from the waste bins. 90% of the plastic is useless for recycling. It is plastic bags with food leftovers. It stinks …

  • NPKD Social Enterprise Kids Group

    NPKD Social Enterprise Kids Group

    Today, the NPKD Social Enterprise Kids Group is joining our activities. Together we put the „Separate Waste“ Stickers on many waste bins of Nongpho Village.